Overhead Conveyors Mercazaragoza

Customer Job Installation of Overhead Conveyors in the Beef Processing Line for Mercazaragoza Slaughterhouse It’s an efficient and modern solution to optimize workflow and enhance productivity. These systems allow for continuous and secure transportation of carcasses and meat pieces throughout the slaughter and butchery process. Advantages of overhead conveyors: Operational efficiency Safety Product quality Space…

Pork Cutting Room and Overhead Track System. Mencas Meat Processing

Customer Job Description Cutting Room. Installation of Iberian pork cutting room in Salamanca. Executed according to the client’s needs for a capacity of 60 Iberian pigs per hour. The installation of dual-rail overhead track system and cutting equipment such as conveyor belts and independent workstations was carried out, tailored to their requirements. Video link Photo…

Coingasa Skin Conveyor

Customer Job Description Automated overhead skin conveyor for skin salting, with automatic classification by type for curing. These conveyors play a crucial role in optimizing efficiency in leather and skin processing plants by facilitating the continuous flow of skins through the various stages of the process. You can view photos of the completed work. Video…

Aerial Conveyors for Swine at CARTESA

CustomerJob Description Aerial Conveyors for Swine at CARTESA For our client Cartesa, several actions have been entrusted to us for the upgrade of their slaughter line. Among the most notable are a new bleeding conveyor with a cart elevator, a step-by-step evisceration conveyor, and the remodeling of the current processing conveyor. These improvements optimize process…

Pneumatic truck connection arms

This is custom heading element Job Description Design, manufacturing, and assembly of pneumatic truck connection arms. This involves a set of articulated arms with pneumatic operation that allows the connection of the overhead rail system at the reception and dispatch area with trucks. These equipments facilitate the loading and unloading of carcasses directly from the…