Las vísceras y despojos del Cerdo: Un Tesoro culinario es España

Sheep and cattle leg depilator

Today in our News section, we will explain how a Leg Depilator for Sheep and Cattle works, although it is also used for pigs in some places. In the meat industry, efficiency and quality are essential to meet market demand and maintain hygiene and safety standards. One of the essential machines in the cutting room…


Combined depilator-scalding machine for pork

Combined depilator-scalding machine for pork   Combined machine for scalding and skinning pigs with a maximum performance of 15 to 20 pigs per hour. TECHNICAL DATA: Galvanized steel shaft Upper protective cover. Comb for pig movement. Water heating by electric resistors. Mobile equipment. Skinning time: 3 minutes Scorching can be performed with the pig placed…