¿Que es el envasado Sking Packaging?

What is Sking Packaging?

Sking Packaging has emerged as an innovative and efficient solution in the meat industry, revolutionizing the way meat products are packaged, preserved, and marketed. This type of packaging, also known as skin packaging or vacuum skin packaging, has gained popularity due to its multiple advantages in terms of freshness, presentation, and efficiency. In this article,…

Como funciona un Matadero

How a Slaughterhouse Works

How a Slaughterhouse Works Slaughterhouses, also known as meat processing plants or abattoirs, are essential facilities in the food supply chain. Their primary function is to transform live animals into meat products ready for consumption. Their primary function is to transform live animals into meat products ready for consumption. Although most people are familiar with…


We’re launching our Online Store

“In today’s world, where coexistence and efficiency are key, Tecnoincar Toledo takes a step forward and has created an online store. Now, customers have the opportunity to explore, select, and purchase a variety of overhead track solutions and structures from the comfort of their devices. But what makes this store so special and why should…