Equipos de Tripería y Subproductos

Offal and By-product Equipment

In the meat industry, the full utilization of animals is a priority, both for economic and environmental reasons. By-products such as offal, intestines, blood, stomachs, feet, and heads can be processed to create useful products, ranging from foods like sausages to materials for the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industries. To achieve efficient and safe processing of…

Rito Kosher

What is Kosher

What is Kosher? Kosher refers to a set of biblical and rabbinic rules and practices that govern the preparation and consumption of food according to Jewish law, or kashrut. In Hebrew, “Kosher” means “fit” or “proper” and refers to food that meets the dietary standards of Judaism. For food to be considered Kosher, it must…

Elevador Vertical para Jamones: Innovación en la Industria Cárnica

Vertical Ham Lifter

Vertical Ham Lifter: Innovation in the Meat Industry The meat industry is a sector that requires efficient and effective solutions to optimize its production and storage processes. One of the most relevant innovations in this field is the vertical ham lifter, a machine designed to transport hams or other meat products from a lower level…

¿Que es el envasado Sking Packaging?

What is Sking Packaging?

Sking Packaging has emerged as an innovative and efficient solution in the meat industry, revolutionizing the way meat products are packaged, preserved, and marketed. This type of packaging, also known as skin packaging or vacuum skin packaging, has gained popularity due to its multiple advantages in terms of freshness, presentation, and efficiency. In this article,…

Higiene y Limpieza en la Industria Cárnica

Hygiene and Cleanliness in the Meat Industry

The Importance of Hygiene and Cleanliness in the Meat Industry In the world of the Meat Industry, food safety is not just a priority: it is an obligation. Maintaining high standards of hygiene and cleanliness is essential to ensure that meat products are safe for consumption. Since meat processing environments can be prone to contamination,…

El Transportador Oreo para Enfriamiento

The Oreo Conveyor for Rapid Carcass Cooling

Innovation in the Meat Industry: The Oreo Conveyor for Rapid Carcass Cooling The meat industry is constantly evolving, always seeking new technologies to optimize processes and improve product quality. One of the most recent and significant innovations is the “Oreo” conveyor for rapid carcass cooling. This automated aerial transport system represents an important advancement in…