Las vísceras y despojos del Cerdo: Un Tesoro culinario es España


Weide Invest

Job Description

At Tecnoincar Toledo, we continue to uphold our commitment to providing advanced, high-quality solutions to our international clients.
What have we shipped?

Hoof Remover and Leg Depilator

Hoof Remover: A machine designed to enhance the efficiency of cleaning and preparing cattle hooves, ensuring a quick and precise process.
Leg Depilator: This machine is essential for the effective removal of hair from the legs, guaranteeing a final product of the highest quality for our clients.
Destination: Poland
The project was successfully completed and shipped to Poland, where our equipment will help optimize our client’s production processes, improving efficiency and quality in meat production.
This is another step in our mission to expand our international presence, bringing Tecnoincar Toledo’s innovation and technology to new markets.