Envasado de Carne Skin para Covap




Our client Covap requests machinery for packaging, preserving, and presenting meat products (Skin Format).

Skin Meat Packaging for Covap

The benefits in terms of shelf-life extension, attractive presentation, waste reduction, and sustainability make it a preferred option for both producers and consumers.
Known as Skin packaging, it is a technique that involves placing the meat on a rigid tray and covering it with a transparent and flexible plastic film.
This film fits perfectly to the shape of the product, creating a second skin that completely wraps it. The process is done under vacuum, practically eliminating all the air inside the package, which helps to extend the product’s shelf life.
Advantages of Skin Packaging
Shelf-life Extension
One of the main benefits of skin packaging is the ability to significantly extend the shelf life of the meat. By removing the air from the package, oxidation and bacterial growth, two of the main causes of meat spoilage, are reduced. This allows products to stay fresh for longer, which is essential for both retailers and end consumers.
Skin Packaging Process
The skin packaging process begins with placing the meat on a rigid tray, usually made of plastic or cardboard. Then, the tray is placed in a special machine that applies the plastic film over the product. The machine creates a vacuum, removing the air and allowing the film to adhere tightly to the surface of the meat. Finally, the package is hermetically sealed, ensuring the protection of the product.
Applications and Types of Products
Skin packaging is versatile and used for a wide variety of meat products, including red meats, poultry, fish, and seafood. It is also suitable for prepared products and sausages. Its ability to adapt to different shapes and sizes of products makes it ideal for customized applications and premium products.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its numerous advantages, skin packaging also presents some challenges. The initial cost of packaging machines can be high, which can be a barrier for small businesses. Additionally, selecting the appropriate film is crucial to ensure good adhesion and product protection. It is important to consider the compatibility of the film with the type of meat and the intended storage conditions.
At Tecnoincar Toledo, we specialize in Industrial Machinery for the Meat sector. Contact us if you want more information about this machinery.
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