MachineryTriviaLas vísceras y despojos del Cerdo: Un Tesoro culinario es España

The viscera and offal of the Pig: A Culinary Treasure in Spain.

The viscera and offal of the pig, known as “Casquería,” have been an integral part of Spanish gastronomy for centuries.
These cuts, often considered less noble in other cultures, are valued in Spanish cuisine for their distinctive flavor and versatility. In this article, we will explore which parts of the pig are used.

What are Pig Viscera and Offal?


What are Pig Viscera and Offal?
Pig viscera and offal include a variety of organs and internal parts, such as:
– Liver
– Kidneys
– Heart
– Tongue
– Pork belly
– Pig trotters
– Ears
– Pig’s head
In Spain, pig viscera and offal are treated with a high degree of culinary respect. From crispy tapas to comforting stews, these ingredients provide unique flavors and varied textures that enrich the country’s gastronomy.
At Tecnoincar, we offer a wide range of machinery for tripe processing. On our website, you can find all the information, and in our online store, you can make purchases. But have you ever wondered what machinery is used and what processes are involved until these products reach our tables? Here is a link for you to see.
– Stomach washers for cattle and sheep
– Hoof removers for pigs and cattle
– De-greasing machines for cattle stomachs
– Intestine emptiers
– Complete lines for sheep gut emptying
– Dehairing machines for cattle and sheep feet
– Dehairing machines for piglets
– Sub-product cleaners for pigs
– Tube systems for gut emptying and cleaning
– Guillotines for cattle and pig heads
Processing offal in a cutting room is a meticulous process that combines manual skill with advanced technology to ensure the products are safe, hygienic, and of high quality. Each stage, from reception to distribution, is designed to maintain the highest standards of hygiene and food safety, ensuring that offal reaches the final consumer in the best possible condition.
In China, offal is an integral part of the cuisine and is highly appreciated in various regions of the country. The Chinese consume a wide variety of viscera and offal from different animals, and some of these products are considered true delicacies.
The consumption of offal in China is widespread and varies according to region and local culinary traditions. The presence of these ingredients in markets, restaurants, and as part of festive and everyday dishes reflects their importance and popularity.
We have more than 12 years of experience in this sector. We design, manufacture, and install industrial machinery for the meat sector.
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