Newsequipos de pesaje

Different weighing equipment solutions are available


Many businesses use different weighing equipment, but each of them is adapted to the specific needs required in the establishment.

For example, it’s not the same to use weighing equipment in a laundry, a bakery, or a butcher shop.

Depending on the needs, you can offer the scale that interests each business the most depending on the industry it belongs to.

These scales are especially useful in environments where weighing animals in motion is needed, such as poultry farms, slaughterhouses, or zoo research facilities. The choice of a specific scale will depend on the particular needs of the application and the species of animals being weighed.


There’s a variety of scales, but today we’ll only explain 5, different solutions available in weighing equipment.

If you want more information or something more specific, you can call us or send us an email.


Weighing Scales
An automated weighing system that reduces reliance on human resources and optimizes productivity.

Dynamic Aerial Scales

Via Birrail
An overhead transportation system achieved with the installation of these aerial transportation systems, facilitating space optimization and improving workplace safety.
Floor Scales

Highly versatile weighing machines used in logistics, manufacturing, and industrial warehouses.
Weighing Platforms

In the meat industry, precision in weighing is essential to ensure product quality and compliance with regulatory standards. Various weighing equipment plays a crucial role in every stage of the process, from raw material reception to final packaging.


There’s a variety of scales, but today we’ll only explain 5, different solutions available in weighing equipment.

If you want more information or something more specific, you can call us or send us an email.

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