MachineryEquipos de Tripería y Subproductos

In the meat industry, the full utilization of animals is a priority, both for economic and environmental reasons. By-products such as offal, intestines, blood, stomachs, feet, and heads can be processed to create useful products, ranging from foods like sausages to materials for the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industries. To achieve efficient and safe processing of these by-products, specialized machinery is essential, automating and optimizing each step of the process. Below, we present some of the key equipment used in offal and by-product processing, along with its main function.


Offal and By-product Equipment for the Meat Industry


1. Intestine Emptying Machines (Pork, Sheep, and Cattle)

Intestine emptying machines are designed to extract the contents from the intestines of animals such as pigs, sheep, and cattle. This process is essential for cleaning the intestines, which are then used in the production of sausages (like chorizo, blood sausage, or salami) or other by-products destined for other industries. The emptying machine ensures a quick and effective cleaning process, reducing manual labor and maintaining hygiene standards.

2. Foot Dehairing Machines (Cattle and Sheep)

This equipment is used to remove the hair from the feet of cattle and sheep before further processing. Once clean, the feet can be used in food production, such as making gelatin or broths, as well as being marketed as gourmet products. The dehairing machines automate this step, facilitating their incorporation into the processing line without the need for manual intervention.

3. Piglet Washers

Piglet washers are essential in slaughterhouses that process piglets for sale. This equipment thoroughly cleans the exterior of the animal, removing dirt, grease, and other residues before continuing with processing or commercial distribution. Cleaning is key to ensuring the quality of the final product that reaches consumers.

4. Stomach Washers (Cattle and Sheep)

The stomachs of cattle and sheep are valuable by-products that, after being cleaned, can be used in traditional dishes such as tripe or stews. Stomach washers remove food residues and other impurities from the organs, ensuring they are ready for further processing or sale.

5. Stomach Degreasers (Cattle)

Stomach degreasers remove excess fat from cattle stomachs, a crucial step in ensuring the quality and food safety of the by-product. This equipment is vital to ensuring that the stomach is in optimal condition for consumption or for use in other industrial processes, such as sausage or processed food production.

6. By-product Cleaners (Pork)

These machines specialize in cleaning various pork by-products, such as offal and organs. Clean by-products are used in food manufacturing or other industries, such as pharmaceuticals. The cleaners ensure a fast and efficient process, contributing to the sustainability of meat operations by reducing waste.

7. Intestine Turning Tubes (Cattle and Pork)

Intestine turning tubes are essential for facilitating the processing of intestines, as they rotate and empty them, allowing the internal layers and residues to be effectively removed. This equipment is particularly useful in preparing intestines for the sausage industry, ensuring they are clean and ready for use.

8. Dehoofing Machines (Cattle and Pork)

Dehoofing machines remove the hooves from animals such as cattle and pigs. This step is important before processing the feet, whether for food production (like gelatin) or for safe disposal of waste. Dehoofing machines automate this process, improving efficiency and safety in handling the animal.

9. Head Opening Guillotine (Cattle and Pork)

This equipment is designed to open the heads of cattle and pigs, facilitating access to internal by-products such as tongue, brain, and other valuable tissues. The guillotine reduces manual effort and enhances safety by automating a process that would otherwise be laborious and potentially dangerous. The by-products obtained can be used in the food industry or for other commercial applications.


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