CO2 stunning system for stunning pigs


CO2 stunning system for stunning pigs


Machine designed for anesthetizing pigs using CO2 gas. The machine functions by sedating the animal through gas inhalation.

Pigs are placed into a galvanized steel crate and lowered into a pit where they breathe in the CO2. After an approximate cycle of 120 seconds, the pigs exit the machine from the side already anesthetized. The gas concentration ranges from 70% to 80%. It is collected in a pit, which is at a minimum depth of 3.3 meters (the depth may vary depending on production) to prevent operators from inadvertently inhaling the gas. The machine includes a liquid evacuation pump and CO2 extraction equipment. The crates are attached to a chain that is operated by a gear motor.

Both the entry of live animals and the exit of anesthetized animals are controlled by operators, ensuring that the machine cannot operate until the operators have completed their tasks. The estimated gas consumption is 300 grams per animal during the working process; naturally, the tank must be filled beforehand to perform these tasks.


– Improved bleeding.
– Reduced incidence of leg fractures.
– Lower incidence of spinal fractures.


CO2 stunning system for stunning pigs

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