Cow Skinners



Cow Skinners


Machine designed to assist in the skinning tasks of cattle.

With this machine, we can achieve maximum utilization of the animal’s skin, as well as facilitate skinning tasks.

The machine consists of a drum driven by an electric geared motor, so that the upper part of the animal’s skin is held by two chains to the drum. As this drum collects the chains, they pull the skin off the animal, so that once fully collected, the skin is deposited in the drum and the animal is freed from the chains. To prevent the animal from moving and complicating the operation, the front legs are anchored to the front part of the machine using chains.

On both sides of the drum, there are two platforms where two operators stand to accompany the operation, ensuring the skin is separated from the animal’s flesh to prevent tearing.


According to customer demand, we can manufacture different types of skinners, with or without a TETANIZER, with the following production capacities:

10-15 cattle per hour
25 cattle per hour
75 cattle per hour.


Cow Skinners

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