Linea de Sacrificio Vacuno y Porcino

Imonergy in Senegal requested a Beef and Pork Slaughtering Line and a Pork Cutting Room.

Pork Slaughterhouse:

It has a slaughter and butchering line with a capacity of 15 animals per hour for a daily production of 120 pigs. The facilities corresponding to the pork slaughterhouse will include pens capable of holding up to 60 animals.

It will have a slaughter line with rooms and chambers for the treatment of by-products (blood, white offal, red offal, etc.) with refrigeration chambers for stabilization.

Beef Slaughterhouse:

Slaughter and butchering line of 20 animals per hour, equipped with rooms and chambers for the treatment of by-products (blood, hooves, horns, viscera, etc.) with refrigeration chambers intended to reach the desired temperature inside the carcass.

You can see the facilities on our YouTube channel.

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